Extraordinary Streaming News: Mediactive Group and QUANTEEC collaboration

A Forward-Thinking Collaboration for Unmatched Efficiency

Mediactive Group, a leader in digital transformation and secure live event streaming, announces a groundbreaking partnership with QUANTEEC, an innovator in sustainable streaming technology.
This alliance is a game-changing upgrade to eCDN and live streaming activities, incorporating QUANTEEC’s technology into MEDIACTIVE’s custom video player.

Indeed, the partnership is poised to transform live streaming for corporate events: not only will it enhance viewer experience and efficiently manage audience peaks, but it will also significantly increase server transmission efficiency while upholding our commitment to environmental stewardship and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Mastering Streaming Audience Peaks and Server Efficiency with QUANTEEC’s Advanced Solutions

The collaboration between Mediactive Group and QUANTEEC introduces a robust solution capable of seamlessly absorbing audience peaks, representing a decisive advantage for live events with vast, global audiences.

Practically, Mediactive Group’s historically extensive expertise in live streaming, including its proprietary video player and comprehensive management from encoding to delivery through its international CDN, is now proposed with QUANTEEC’s technology, renowned for its ability to decentralize the process.

A key criterion in forming this collaboration was our mutual dedication to preventing internet congestion, especially during events on corporate campuses with audiences of thousands. Our innovative solutions ensure seamless streaming experiences without overburdening network capacities.

The stemming offer both handles the surge in viewership with ease and optimizes server efficiency. Doing so will ultimately ensure a smooth, uninterrupted streaming experience, even during the most watched moments, thereby maintaining and, in many instances, enhancing the quality for every viewer.

Scopewise, corporate events, and media, including several dozen TV channels broadcast on French territory and internationally, will benefit from this technology.

Unprecedented Achievements in Early Trials: A Testament to Our Combined Strength

In early trials, including cross-continental events, the Mediactive Group-QUANTEEC synergy has proven extraordinary results.

Achieving near-zero rebuffering across three live sessions designed for thousands of simultaneous users, and reaching an impressive 92% server offload: this collaboration sets a new benchmark for global corporate streaming. These trials underscore the profound impact of our joint efforts on three levels: it showcase our ability to (1) deliver superior experiences worldwide, (2) with a minimal environmental footprint, and (3) solve the critical problem of insufficient bandwidth in massive corporate events.

Global Streaming Audience Engagement: A Seamless Experience Across Four Continents

Our alliance uniquely caters to an international audience, having flawlessly executed events in multiple live sessions, designed to engage viewers from Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

Remarkably, these sessions achieved near-zero rebuffering, ensuring an exceptionally smooth viewer experience. Thus, this strategic approach not only broadens our reach but also solidifies our capability to provide high-quality, secure, and uninterrupted live-streaming services to a diverse, global audience.

About Mediactive Group and QUANTEEC

Mediactive Group leads in providing secure live streaming and digital transformation services for global corporate events. Leveraging its proprietary video player and international CDN, Mediactive Group ensures seamless, professional-grade streaming.

QUANTEEC redefines the industry with sustainable, high-performance technology. By innovating beyond traditional methods, QUANTEEC significantly enhances audience peak management, server efficiency, and environmental sustainability.

Explore the multifaceted world of Mediactive Group.

Vision for the Future

This strategic partnership underscores our relentless pursuit of excellence, setting new precedents in the live-streaming domain by prioritizing performance, reliability, and sustainable innovation for every stakeholder involved.

Embarking on this promising journey, MEDIACTIVE Group and QUANTEEC are dedicated to revolutionizing the live-streaming landscape for corporate events. 

Our partnership symbolizes our dedication to providing eCDN and OTT services with equal efficiency and ensuring a future of engaging experiences.

Stay tuned for further developments as we continue to set new industry standards together.

Explore QUANTEEC’s forward-thinking vision.

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