Artear Partners with QUANTEEC to Revolutionize Streaming Efficiency in Argentina

Strategic Collaboration to Enhance Broadcast Quality and Optimize Costs

Artear, a leading media company in Argentina and a subsidiary of Grupo Clarín, has entered into a transformative partnership with QUANTEEC, a pioneer in sustainable streaming technology. This collaboration is set to optimize Artear’s streaming capabilities, particularly for high-traffic events, by utilizing QUANTEEC’s cutting-edge solutions to reduce CDN costs and enhance transmission quality.

Proven Success in Early Adoption: Elevating TN’s Streaming Performance

The results have been remarkable in the initial weeks of deploying QUANTEEC’s technology on TN, Argentina’s foremost news channel. The live signal has consistently achieved a 96% high-quality streaming rate, ensuring top-tier viewing experiences for its audience. Furthermore, TN experienced a 75% efficiency increase in resource utilization, allowing for seamless content delivery even during peak viewership times.

Energy savings have also been substantial, with a 52% reduction in energy consumption—equivalent to the electricity usage of over 1,054 households. The rebuffering rate was also minimized to just 0.2%, maintaining smooth and uninterrupted streaming. Given that TN attracts several thousand concurrent viewers at any moment, with a constantly growing audience, these achievements highlight QUANTEEC’s ability to deliver efficient streaming under dynamic conditions. The technology enables near-instantaneous peer selection whenever a viewer exits the network, ensuring continuous service and optimal performance.

QUANTEEC’s First Major Tier 1 Client in South America

This partnership with Artear marks QUANTEEC’s first major Tier 1 client in South America, a milestone that has drawn significant attention from the region’s top broadcasters. These industry leaders are closely watching the outcomes of this collaboration, considering the possibility of initiating negotiations with the French company to integrate QUANTEEC’s technology into their operations. The success of this contract could pave the way for further expansion of QUANTEEC’s presence in this emerging market.

Explore the multifaceted world of Artear.

Enhancing Streaming Quality During Audience Peaks

The collaboration between Artear and QUANTEEC introduces an advanced solution designed to manage and absorb audience peaks effortlessly, offering a significant advantage for live streaming of Argentina’s most popular channels. Artear, which operates key streaming signals such as TN, TyC Sports, Ciudad Magazine, and Canal 13, will benefit from QUANTEEC’s innovative technology. This technology decentralizes the streaming process, transforming each viewer into a “smart re-streamer,” ensuring seamless scalability and optimal streaming quality even during high-demand periods.

A New Benchmark in Cost and Energy Efficiency

Artear’s adoption of QUANTEEC’s technology not only promises to enhance viewer experience but also brings about significant cost savings by reducing reliance on traditional CDN infrastructure. QUANTEEC’s solutions are designed to lower operational costs by up to 25% and substantially decrease energy consumption, aligning with both companies’ commitments to sustainable business practices.

Unmatched Reliability for Live Events

The implementation of QUANTEEC’s technology across Artear’s platforms ensures high reliability and consistent quality during live events, crucial for channels like TN and TyC Sports that frequently manage large audiences. This collaboration is particularly strategic given the growing demand for high-quality, uninterrupted live streaming, especially in sports and news broadcasting.

About Artear and QUANTEEC

Artear is a leading media company in Argentina, managing some of the country’s most popular television channels and streaming services. With a rich history in broadcasting, Artear is committed to delivering high-quality content to audiences across Argentina and beyond.

QUANTEEC, a French tech innovator, is revolutionizing the streaming industry with its sustainable and high-performance technology. By enhancing audience peak management and server efficiency, QUANTEEC is setting new standards in the sector while significantly reducing environmental impact.

Looking Ahead

This partnership marks a significant step forward for Artear and QUANTEEC as they work together to redefine the future of streaming in Argentina. By combining their expertise, the two companies are not only enhancing the quality of live broadcasts but also pioneering a more sustainable and cost-effective approach to media distribution.

Explore QUANTEEC’s forward-thinking vision.

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